Travel Asia feb 2014 asianc1 | Page 11

Special Meal

Critique by: Psalms Mangulabnan

Martabak Café serves Indonesian-Malaysian cuisine. Located at the North side ground level of the Mall of Asia.


The atmosphere was lively since there were many people. They picked a good color for the wall and signage since it is eye catching and uplifting. When we got there, it was packed with people and the waitress opened the door and said sit over there. Which I find impolite, a suggestion would have been better, “Would you like to be seated over here Sir/Ma’am”. We were seated near the door and if someone pushed it from the outside one of us will get hit. Probably they wanted to expand, but for some reason they cannot so they maximized the space and placed more tables. I like how they approached the problem that the waitress was the only one to open the door. Inside you could see that the paint is fading and the plastered design is tearing off the wall, they should do something about that.


The service personnel should smile and keep a positive aura because they looked very stern.

Food quality

The food that you see in the menu is not what you really get. The pork satay in the menu was almost full on the stick, what came to me was one fourth on the stick. But the prices are affordable especially for group and combination meals.