A woman sits in front of
her home in Dharavi Slum
in Mumbai, India. Dharavi
slum, located in the center
of Mumbai and commonly
called the heart of the city,
is unique among slums. In
this small area, approxi-
mately one square mile (3
square kilometers), close
to 1.5 million people live.
Eight or more people often
share one small room, and
close to 18,000 people can
live on a single acre. Indians
have been voluntarily mov-
ing from their rural villages
to the city slum for decades,
hoping to build a better life
for their family by working
in one of the successful in-
dustries found in Dharavi.
Lauren Stewart
A self-taught freelance pho-
tographer from the United
States. Her work focuses
on making cross-cultural
connections by showing the
daily life of different cultures
across the world.
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