Developed Master Dissertation project is considered as an answer to above-
named essential topics corresponding the main framework, which resulted in an archi-
tectural intervention for the studied area in the city of Barcelona, Spain.
The first and only city-recipient of Royal Gold Medal for Architecture Bar-
celona has an intense history of urban and architectural development. Since the city
of Barcelona was able to grow and extend its borders, the metropolitan area started to
have a huge impact on the city itself.
Intense development of Barcelona was stimulated by different events which
were held in the city: Exposició Universal de Barcelona in 1888 and 1929 as well as
Olympic games of 1992. Analyzed site around Park de la Cuitadella has undergone
significant changes being reshaped for 1888 and 1992 events. Firstly Park de la Cuita-
della took its shape (1872) and beautiful pavilions and military houses along Carrer de
Wellington were built (1887). Secondly the Olympic Village was developed together
with the coast line which since that time was considered as important part of city not
only for a port, but also as a recreational space for people. Besides above mentioned
transformations, urban redevelopment of this part of the city included rebuilding exist-
ing transport infrastructure meaning Estació de França construction and renovation of
rail network and La Ronda motorway construction.
Through the time the area of study was developed in parts. This resulted in
fragmented space constituted of parts of developments from different time periods,
voids and intermittent spaces created by infrastructure networks where proposed ar-
chitectural intervention takes place.
Efimovich Alina
an architectural intervention to integrate transport infrastructure with housing for Barcelona.
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