Transforming Today's World Magazine Volume 3 Issue 5 | Page 40

WoernerFeed & Garden Supply A FEED STORE & A WHOLE LOT MORE! “A new dimension for Fredericksburg’s favorite general store” Come join us at our grand opening... March 14th 9am—4pm 10% OFF ALL NURSERY PLANTS & GARDENING PRODUCTS! CLASSES: 10am—Organic products explained by Andy from the Natural Gardener in Austin 1pm—Organic vegetable gardening by Deborah Russell, Hill Country Master Gardeners When you walk into Woerners, you can feel a sense of history, and a true sense of caring and customer service. Since 1928, this store has been an integral part of the community. For over 81 years, people have depended on Fredericksburg’s favorite General store. Simply put, Woerners is what Fredericksburg is all about. One of the original owners, 87 year old Mr. Woerner, still comes in the store every morning around 10 o’clock, to check in with the current owner, Zane Beckman. Zane will be the first one to tell you: “I certainly don’t know everything, but Mr. Woerner does! He taught me everything I know about gardening, and believe me, he is an expert at every part of it.” That pride and dedication to community is alive and still thriving today. Both Zane and his wife Anne, believe in a grass roots community. Anne has a passion for fresh grown herbs and vegetables, and both believe that Americans need to “get back to basics.” Anne states:“When you think about it, America was founded on people being self sufficient. They raised their own cattle, grew their own herbs and vegetables, and were accountable for their own needs. We want to help people get back some of that spirit and resourcefulness that was the original foundation of America. If you look back in time, especially in the rural areas, people could take care of themselves. Today everything is TV, and video games. Our children don’t know how to entertain themselves anymore. Being out in the garden and playing in the dirt, is good for kids! Mine watch me garden—they are inquisitive and interested. The earth and outdoor living, has become a part of their lifestyle: a very healthy lifestyle.” I asked Zane to give me a tour of the new nursery. I was absolutely in awe of how beautiful the new plants were, and how much color was available in the winter months. I mentioned I wished I knew how to garden. Zane said: “You can! Come to one of our free gardening classes, and we’ll show you how. We can make it easy for anybody to do. It’s fun to teach people and to see them really get involved. When they realize they made something grow, people get so excited. Through this experience, I have grown close to Mr. Woerner, whose passion was gardening. I guess he has kind of become my gardening mentor. I rely on him, to help me, help people, reach their goals…he is really great.” Well, I certainly am sold! I am going to learn how to garden! How cool is that? So, no excuses. Come see Woerners’ new nursery, and join me in a free gardening class! Young or old, novice or professional, there is something here for everyone. Check out the class schedules and events, especially the antique rose class, and make sure to be there: I’ll be lookin’ for you! 830.997.2246 • 305 S Lincoln Street • Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 • 40 Woman TEXAS FREDERICKSBURG