Transforming Today's World Magazine Volume 3 Issue 4 | Page 39

“Are you afraid to reach out to the guilty, to the lost, to the sick, to the dirty? Are you afraid of your own reflection as you pass these people in the streets?” Search the backstreets of your soul. Walk through the shadows of your lost dreams, and experience the darkness of so many people that suffer in silence. Search the backstreets of your soul. Look deep inside at hidden secrets that control what used to be you. Wipe the sweat off your back as you toss humanity’s need into the sea. Is blindness a desire or an excuse? Not caring is the final abuse to the human heart. Is the holiday spirit an illusion, or just a brief intrusion to the truth? Are you afraid you will lose something you never had? Are you afraid to reach out to the guilty, to the lost, to the sick, to the dirty? Are you afraid of your own reflection as you pass these people in the streets? All of the abused, the abusers, the castaways, the thieves, the Woman TEXAS FREDERICKSBURG beggars—all of them are someone’s precious child. All of them were born to someone who wanted to love them: maybe they just didn’t know how. Maybe they ran into the rain and never looked back. Even now, their heart eternally aches for the loss of their own innocence. Secretly in silence, they mourn the loss of the unsuspecting soul they brought into this cold and lonely world. Both souls share the darkness, both are affected for the rest of their lives. They search for a healing word, a gentle touch, a helping hand. But the secret stays buried in the darkness, held captive by the secret itself. The emptiness carves a path in a darkened heart that defines the greatest lie of all: darkness is power…it will never go away. If they only knew there was freedom in light. After all, darkness is only dark when you give it life. The light in true life is constantly burning and illuminating a million hours of second chances. Life has a light that burns eternal—it can never go out. It lives in the light of a child’s eyes and burns like fire… burning brighter and brighter…desperately crying out, just to be acknowledged. If you have never experienced that light, take a moment to reflect: you might like what you see. If you can’t remember that light, if you can’t remember its