Transforming Today's World Magazine - JAN 2014 Special Edition Vol 5 Issue 3 | Page 83
image with the best impact for your business dollars. You said
you were tired of struggling with antiquated, useless services!
It was obvious you had the talent and a great magazine but it
took the combined efforts on both sides to produce positive
results…and we have done it! This really IS industry-changing
and we both have a lot to be proud of!
F- I can’t help thinking that this is divine intervention in
some way, as the name of the magazine is Transforming
Today’s World and what Inteveo offers is truly a business
transforming platform that propels companies to heights
they never thought were achievable. I am thankful
you were able to take the time to discuss your amazing
technology and services with my readers.
The pleasure was all mine- I assure you Freya.
Nothing makes me happier than to help people and see
them succeed. In a world of mediocrity, I take pride in
excellence; both personally and in business. Our seasoned
executive staff and team of project managers, designers
and developers; are all dedicated to serving our clients to
the best of their ability. We provide our clients world class
service, proven solutions and a business model designed
to produce results. If we promise results then we ensure
that we deliver!
That is great! It is my opinion that this technology
will also have a serious impact on the recording industry!
When I was professionally singing; the most dreaded, yet
most coveted position all artists dreamed of, was a record
contract! But this was always a two edged sword as the artists
invariably got the raw end if the deal! But now, through
Inteveo, a recordi