Transforming Today's World Magazine - JAN 2014 Special Edition Vol 5 Issue 3 | Page 79
By Freya Pruitt
have been in the entertainment industry for over thirty
years and thought I had seen it all; until I met Sean
Darwish; CEO of Inteveo. This brilliant technology
company based in Austin, Texas has taken the entire
planet by storm. Their DIVE video platform actually
makes Google look like high-school! If you think you
know what SEO is- think again. If you think you know
what advertising and promotion is- think again. When I
say “DIVE” I literally mean dive into a never ending river
of promotional results that prove themselves online every
day. It doesn’t take a rocket-scientist to understand the
value of reaching millions versus hundreds.
is INTEVEO! Introducing their patent-pending, digital
Video Advertising and Monetization technology, takes
the internet to a new level of effectiveness and allows
the consumer immediate and direct access to products
and services without ever leaving the video. Society
LEARNED from the TV phenomenon as it evolved into
a new level of electronic sophistication while embracing
the video and YouTube Craze. But, quite frankly, this
technology and many others have rather stalled in placeuntil Inteveo created DIVE: “Dynamic Interactive Video
Experience.” To explain this patent pending technology
you have to visualize what it truly means. Brilliant business
development relies on brilliant results and producing
The New Millennium has produced a new breed of digital brilliant results today, MUST utilize brilliant technology.
consumers that want interactive and uninterrupted
experiences online. Simply put: Inteveo is the example of Inteveo DIVE established a direct and effective video
what TV did to radio. Imagine a family gathered around production company to help create publicity and
a radio in the 1940’s listening to stories and their favorite information driven profiles for clients in the healthcare
music. Then suddenly out of nowhere- BAM! Here sector, retail, fashion, sports, entertainment, digital
comes an illuminated screen with “rabbit ears” picking publishing and other industry verticals- virtually any
up “moving pictures” from the air-waves and bringing type of company can benefit from these new capabilities.
them into your living room. Wow! How cool was THAT? Inteveo also knows how to market a company on line very
Viewers were suddenly exposed to their community in an effectively and to do so, they realize you MUST utilize
intimate way.
today’s NEWEST communication phenomena’s: SOCIAL
MEDIA! Imagine 2 BILLION people on Facebook alone:
Families that listened to radio now became part of the Let me ask you a question: How would YOU like to be
world community of communication- in a visual way. marketed to THIS audience? How would you like to
Viewers in the 1950’s were now able to put a “face” to that have this audience view your interactive video allowing
familiar voice. Lucy and Desi, Ozzie and Harriet, Leave It them to buy on impulse- immediately without having to
To Beaver, Ricky Nelson, even Elvis himself were sitting leave the video or going to external websites? Yes, you
beside them as they drank their coffee at the kitchen heard me: BUY IN THE VIDEO WITHOUT HAVING
table. That new visual form of technology became THE TO GO THROUGH THE TEDIOUS REGISTRATION
PHENOMENOM of communication that changed the AND E-COMMERCE PROCESS. Think about the new
entire world as we know it. I’m sure most people were marketplace: As consumers, we have evolved into very
astounded as they watched the first man walk on the sophisticated web shoppers- and very impatient. We want
moon from the comfort of their living-room. Truthfully: instant gratification and we want it now. If you see a great
Who could even possibly consider something better? Well pair of Dolce & Gabbana shoes in a video, don’t you get
my friends, we have all learned a valuable lesson from that excited-don’t you want them now? Now you have a way to
philosophy: Come on people… We all know what came purchase them right IN the video- immediately.
next. Enter stage right; THE INTERNET! The biggest
technological mind blow in communication is still taking
a big bow today as it flies around the world at light speed
infiltrating businesses, homes, families and consumer
purchasing. There is ALWAYS something else waiting in
the wings; only THIS time the company taking a big bow