Transforming Today's World Magazine - JAN 2014 Special Edition Vol 5 Issue 3 | Page 49
I can assure you that the experience with the Vietnam vet
and his wife was truly amazing, but NOTHING compares
to the personal experience that hit me like a tidal wave when
I visited the National Abilities Center (NAC) in Park City,
Utah! We were scheduled for a comprehensive meeting,
regarding the possible development of a program with
Lisa’s ‘Words’, when the power of this unique experience
hit me once again! Just days before our meeting with the
NAC, I was fortunate to experience Lisa’s ‘Dinner With
A Purpose’ for 18 guests in her home. It included a very
special guest, Jim murphy, Public Relations Director of the
NAC. As these guests experienced an exquisite dinner at
a beautifully set table, they were asked to open a gold card
revealing their special ‘Word’ for the evening. We began
at one end of the table, as each person read their word and
shared its special meaning to them.
There was laughter, tears, seriousness and silliness- not
much was left to the imagination! But there was one thing
that happened I have never seen before at ANY dinner
table: Sincere, authentic and true communication shared
by all! By the end of the evening, everyone was connected
as ‘family’, as ‘community’. Real relationships were established, and all guests left with a different level of intimate
communication than they had before. The following day,
Lisa and I walked into our meeting at the NAC, and I was
surprised to see Jim Murphy sitting at the conference table! Apparently, I had been so engrossed in the dinner
experience that I did not make the connection with Jim
and the NAC. During our meeting, I discovered Lisa had
shared a ‘word’ experience with about 45 people at a NAC
event about a year prior to the dinner, and we were there
to discuss creating a format for the possible development