Transforming Today's World Magazine - JAN 2014 Special Edition Vol 5 Issue 3 | Page 36
The idea of not defining everything with science frightens
a lot of people. I guess it is a lack of being able to let go
and release the smoke and mirrors of what we call control.
Think about it; you may TRY and control a tear, but in the
end a tear controls you. As it streams down your face, it
sends you down a long tunnel into a pool of water called
emotion. Now - does science or God create emotion? You
can’t define emotion by physics or science - yet, you can
feel, see, and touch it as an emotion triggers a human
experience called a tear. Maybe what we cannot see truly
exists in the faith that it simply does exist; So, dear ones,
all things, love all circumstances…for in every second of
every day, the miracle of a waiting tear is hidden behind
your eyes. It is waiting to serve a specific purpose for your
better good. From this moment on, please know God is
always with you...contained in one tear, contained in one
life and one spirit. For in the shedding of just one tear, all
of God’s miraculous creation is instantly manifested on
earth as it is in Heaven.
You may have believed you could not see God, but the next
time you shed a tear, remember that is God’s tear and it was
Faith, After All, Is A Decision,
Then A Relationship.
the next time you feel a warm, wet, une