Transforming Today's World Magazine - JAN 2014 Special Edition Vol 5 Issue 3 | Page 24
by: Freya Pruitt
ou may be wondering how one man could have
possibly created and sustained a major award show
in L.A. for the last 23 years! This phenomenon was
birthed from the heart of a man dedicated to showcasing Indie artists: Al passionately desired to give
artists the special break that could change their lives
forever. The heart and soul of Al Bowman has been solidly focused
on promoting new artists in an award show forum, giving them the
needed publicity and exposure they would ordinarily never have the
chance of experiencing! This may all sound glamorous and exciting,
but producing a successful award show- live in L.A- is an arduous
amount of work and requires a strong countenance, dedication to
excellence, and a purpose-driven spirit; all of which are obvious
attributes of Al Bowman.
If you are an aspiring artist and have been fortunate enough
NOT to have fallen victim to this hard-core industry, you
might not realize that Al Bowman’s life is loaded with many
unforeseen obstacles as he navigates through the toughest and most
razor-sharp town in the world: Quite frankly, Los Angeles, California