Transforming Today's World Magazine - JAN 2014 Special Edition Vol 5 Issue 3 | Page 13
a few) also fill my heart with grace. These three precious
angels have special needs, yet they hear my voice on
television and they become overwhelmed with excitement.
I am so lucky to be loved by such pure little souls and I
am even luckier that their parents take the time to contact
me and arrange for us to meet. Many of the parents explain
to me through email or Facebook the amazing way their
children react to my commercials. All of this is lovely, but
to see it is breath-taking… to see the children
in front of me…to hug and hold.... it is truly life- changing.
My life is overflowing with love because of my fans: I am
so blessed to be in a position to love people unconditionally.
I cherish every kind word and hug I receive from fans. My
fans keep me happy and healthy. The love I receive I give
back ten-fold! I make myself available for the community
because that strong-knit and loving community will produce
positive growth and stimulate the caring hearts within all
of us. My focus and thoughts as of late have been intensely
focused on women. There is no better time than the present
to be a woman. We have rights, we have choices, we have
opportunities, and most importantly we have freedom…. we
have the freedom to become who we choose to be. We can
be stay-at-home moms or business owners- or better yet-we
can be both! Women are incredible beings. We have the
God-given talent of multitasking in high-heels, tennis shoes,
flats, rain boots, flip-flops, Uggs, or even combat boots!
We should take hold of our inner goddess and empower
her with confidence. Women should be proud of who they
are inside and out, and carry themselves with valor and
presence. Women need to support each other and remind
one another about how incredible we are. We need to take
the time to encourage our young women to pass the torch
of success, tenacity and conviction. Women are truly “Jacks
of all trades.” We raise children, care for our husbands or
partners, keep a household, nurture the family and maintain
familial health. We’re active in the workforce, television,
radio, and as internet censors. We protect our country, we
are school volunteers and facilitators of extracurricular
activities, we are private tutors, personal therapists,
entertainment planners and nutritionists. We teach morals
and values, care for the family pets, we are lovers, we are
friends, we are protectors, and we are exhausted... but we are
the newly empowered women of today and we do it all….
with a smile! We need to be comfortable with who we are.
We need to savor every precious opportunity that women
before us have fought long and hard for. Women need to
feel proud to be who they are at this very moment. We
are the ones who provide the fingerprints for our future, as
well as the guidance and nurturing for generations to come.
Women are finally discovering their greatness and who they
truly are. Can we DO it all? I don’t know, but we shall surely
try!” And may I say Amen to THAT, dear readers! I have
spent many years on this earth interviewing people from all
walks of life, and have thirsted for a genuine human being
who is willing to fly into the sun and give unselfishly. I feel
I can finally rest, knowing I have met that person in the
beautiful presentation of the great Ara Celi. I know when I
lay my head on my pillow tonight the world will be a gentler,
kinder and warmer place because of her presence. She has
given me a different perspective and insight for our future.
After getting to know the heart of Ara Celi, I know there is
hope for humanity- there is hope for love to rise again and
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