Transformation Through Chaos Transformation Through Chaos_Sneak Peak | Page 10
Transformation Through Chaos
became the proud parent of my one and only favorite son, Khadeem
Wilson, in 1997. He has brought so much delight to my life and
made parenting a wonderful experience.
In 1998, I returned to college in pursuit of my lifelong dream of
acquiring a doctorate degree. By that time, I had a young baby who
I was raising with the assistance of my mother. My mother retired
when my son was a baby to help and support me as I pursued my
lifelong dream of acquiring a doctorate degree.
I am in my thirties now and I had no idea what challenges I
would have to encounter. Let’s start with the fact that I had been
out of college for 10 years. I had to get my mindset focused on col-
lege again. It was not that easy this time. My life had permanently
changed and I was the parent of a little one for the first time.
While enrolled in my doctorate program, I parted ways with
my son’s father. We were never married and lived in different states
throughout most of the relationship. The parting was not amicable
and was fraught with turmoil for years. Yet, I will say that my son’s
father was always involved in his life in spite of the complications
we experienced.
I was employed full-time and was the primary breadwinner in
the home that I shared with my mother and son. Oh and by the
way, I generated revenue from several avenues and was employed
in multiple agencies. My job demands were stressful at times.
Nonetheless, I remained in the doctorate program and graduated in
2003. Oh how joyful it felt.
Like me, many of you have encountered situations that have
impacted your life. You discovered who you were, what your chal-
lenges were, and how to evolve. Brace yourself and get ready to go
on a personal journey with the goal of acquiring inner strength and
transforming your life.
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