private hoouse, Quebec House (1) is situated in Bath Square, Old
. Bath Square (2) is only accessible by car, bicycle and walking
road is quite narrow. The surrounding buildings are mainly private
es. The main pubs situated here as The Still & West Island (3)
Island (4). Next to Quebec House, the Pier and Hailing Station
by Lloyds agents (5) to record inbound and outbound vessels..
Club (6) sits across the road from Quebec House, which is also
listed building. Following the Millennium Promenade chain north,
he Point (7), also known as Spice Island. Moving towards the
he Round Tower (Grade I), which is one of Portsmouth’s oldest
fortifications (8).
its context has many reasons why it is suitable for my project.
rms of location, The Quebec House is tucked away in Old
from the busy city centre. There is a sense of peace, and calm
al for the sensitivity of the issues users visiting will face. Although
ble to enter the property, I can imagine just being able to look out
nd feeling the tranquility of the waves from the Quebec House.
also has nearby transport links and private parking is provided by
e. From looking into it’s history and how it brought the community
really makes me value the site. All these characteristics of the
’s are crucial factors when selecting my site for the project.
Fig 1. Map of Quebec House