Trance Magazine | Page 30

BABAK - I would like to tell our readers about how

we got to meet as artist's, I was coming back

from a show from Dallas and had a stop over

at Denver, I think you had a show at Denver

and were coming back to London, I saw you

in the waiting area working on lyrics for a

track and we were on the same flight to

London, on the flight I think I told you that

I have been into dance music for the past

15 years and we talked about singing, 

What do you think it is about Trance music in

general that some how brings artist's and

people together?

EMMA - Yes!! Ours was a great chance meeting!!

With Trance music, it is definitely a strange

phenomenon, and one which seems to be

quite unique to TRANCE, where all walks of

life and cultures are brought together by the

same music. I think perhaps the people that

listen to TRANCe do so to feel something more,

to let go of themselves, and usually in an environment

where a lot of people are coming together for the purpose

of enjoying life. Perhaps this energetically opens people up

to have more heartfelt experiences. And then they seem to

be able to share these with other people who listen to the

same sounds. It becomes a common ground perhaps.

It is a beautiful thing that I am always grateful to be a small part of.

BABAK - We are grateful for doing this exclusive interview with us at TRANCE MAGAZINE,

and we wish you the best with your amazing career - Emma we believe that you are

a treasure to the Trance Scene and Trance fans around the World will always love and

respect you for your magnificent talent as a artist. God bless you.

Thank you so much, I am grateful for you talking to me! :)