Trance Magazine | Page 28

BABAK - Could you give any tips to our readers about live performance at

shows, what is the best way to manage live performances?

EMMA - I used to be very nervous about performing live, unless you are

a complete extrovert I don't think this is something that comes entirely

naturally to most people. For me I just try and feel the songs and give

as much energy as I can. Usually the crowd gives a lot of energy too

and it is a great feeling. The main tip I would give would be to just

think that the audience are on your side and they are just there to

have fun and want to see you having fun too. Once I realised this it

became a lot more relaxing, and now performing is just pure fun.

BABAK - What are your best tracks that you would recommend our readers to

look into and buy?

EMMA - Umm…it is hard to say as perhaps I am too floe to them to know which ones

are the good ones and which ones may not be…But for me I would say "Be Your Sound"

with Cosmic Gate, "Colours" from my album and "Carry Me Away" with Chris Lake.

These are perhaps more personal. People seem to respond well to "Waiting" with

Dash Berlin, so I guess I would say check that one out too if you get the chance :)

BABAK - As a singer and a creative artist, what do you generally think about when you are listening to music?

EMMA - If it is music I have already heard it s=usually takes me back to the most prominent memory I have of listening to that song. Music is such a strong memory trigger, I love this. I also like to think about nothing when listening to music, like a meditation almost, and just feel the emotion of the song.

BABAK -What do you think about when you are performing live?, do you think about the music at all or you just perform with how you feel?

EMMA - I usually just perform how I feel. Well if the show is good, and the sound is all ok and the crowd are great it is definitely feeling. Rarely when there is a problem with sound or something I go into my head and think about the music, it all feels much more strained this way. I much prefer to not go to that place!