Trance Magazine | Page 24

BABAK - Do you write and sing on a track with how you feel about a certain lyrics,

or is it more technical?

EMMA - It always comes from feeling, it is never usually a technical process for me. Unless it comes down to certain cords needing to be changed or something based around musical theory, usually it is all based on how I feel the song should sound or what it wants to say.

BABAK - When you were starting out as an artist, how did you promote yourself and get yourself known in the Trance and EDM industry?

EMMA - It was quite organic really, I just set out to make songs I liked and I was lucky

enough, and choosy enough to work with producers who were very talented. I was s

ure to only work on songs that I knew would have a proper release through a label

with a marketing plan. I didn't want any songs to be wasted by not having a chance

to be heard. I just worked off the theory that if a song has a chance, and it is good

enough, then it will filter out to people. Videos and live performances have been a

hugely important part or promoting these songs from my part, and from the

beginning we placed a great deal of importance on the right video directors,

and the right kind of opportunities to perform live.

BABAK - Could you tell us about any future plans for new tracks or albums, if that is something you are happy to discuss, if not, its cool :-)

EMMA - Haha, yes I most definitely have plans for many new releases in the coming year. I have a few new collaborations to come out, which I am quite excited about, along with a new album beginning to form at the moment. As well as sticking to my trance roots I am also looking at pushing my writing into slightly different genres too. It feels like a very creative time right now, so I am more than ready for a whole bunch of new music to come out.

BABAK - How did you get to work with famous Trance DJ's and producers?

EMMA - Each song just kind of lead to the next one, certain producers heard a track or so I had written and then got in contact about working together, and each one seemed to open another door. I think perhaps because I have been selective and not released a lot of tracks this may have helped be incentive for other producers to ask for songs from me. TRANCE just felt like the right path as doors just kept opening when they needed to, and it didn't seem forced like it always had in the past with other genres of music for me.

I used to be very nervous about performing live, unless you are a complete extrovert I don't think this is something that comes entirely naturally to most people. For me I just try and feel the songs and give as much energy as I can. Usually the crowd gives a lot of energy too and it is a great feeling. The main tip I would give would be to just think that the audience are on your side and they are just there to have fun and want to see you having fun too. Once I realised this it became a lot more relaxing, and now performing is just pure fun.