Trance Magazine | Page 14

BABAK : Hello Emma thank you for taking the time to do this exclusive interview with TRANCE MAGAZINE, we truly admire your work and tracks, could you tell us how you

started in your career and what inspired you to become a singer?

EMMA : Thank you so much for talking to me! I always wanted to be a singer, as far back

as I can remember. Music was always a big part of my life, and quite important in our

family. I was inspired early on by listening to my dad play acoustic guitar and sing,

and the records he listened to like The Eagles and Fleetwood Mac on long car journeys

were kind of a soundtrack to my early life and I guess I learnt to sing by imitating these

sounds and copying all the harmonies. I always loved how the music we listened to

seemed to form a huge part of the memories of these times. I wanted to somehow create music that could one day become a part of other people's memories too.

BABAK : The amazing track you did with Dash Berlin WAITING is a masterpiece, what was your starting vision with this track to make it spectacular, and what inspired you to make this track with DASH?

EMMA : When I heard the Instrumental track that Dash sent through

I was really inspired by the emotion in it, I felt there was a sense

of yearning in the song when the melodies started to form.

Usually it happens this way for me, that the melody and the

feelings kind of dictate what the lyrics want to be about.

I was thinking about someone I hadn't seen for a very long

time, and the song just took shape around this idea.

BABAK : How do you feel the World of TRANCE is evolving and

the direction its going?, do you think TRANCE crowds are moving

towards more clubby tracks or more radio friendly

commercial tracks that become hits?

EMMA : I think that TRANCE is opening up to a lot more people

at the moment, which is extremely exciting. I think none of this

can be a bad thing, the people who get brought in to TRANCE

through the radio friendly commercial tracks will then be

more open to hearing the underground club style tracks that

they may never otherwise have heard.