Tram/Light rail Safety safety | Page 16

Safety in when traveling to spain!

Spain, is a beautiful tourist destination, which many people travel too. On average over 68,000 people travel there (as of 2015), but it can be an unsafe place, if you don’t know what you are doing. Depending where you're traveling from can affect this, because it affects your knowledge level of the area.

What many people from america don’t know, or are unaware of, is that the borders are open in europe, allowing anyone to travel in. This can pose as a threat to one’s safety, because it allows anyone to come into the country. As it states at “Spain’s open borders with its western European neighbors allow possible terrorist groups to enter and exit the country with anonymity.” (sjhxqiushx). Of course they have taken action, to allow you to be in a more safe state when there.

Crime is also a huge issue that happens, especially to tourists. THey are more likey to be targeted, as a result of them not looking like the natives. But the international torrism site, give a lot of good information, and how to stay safe from crime, at least in the best way you can.

“Use common sense and the same personal security measures you would use normally.

Do not leave bags unattended. Keep them in your line of sight and avoid placing passports, cash, cell phones or other valuables in the outer pockets of backpacks or purses, or on tables in public places.

Be alert to criminal schemes. Thieves may work in teams to distract your attention, while an accomplice makes off with your valuables. If you are stopped by a plainclothes policeman while walking or driving, ask for a uniformed law enforcement officer.

Before sending any money to individuals you have never met in person, please visit the Department of State and the FBI pages for information on Internet financial scams and how to protect yourself.” these are all very useful tips, that are recommended to anyone traveling in that area.

Spain is a very lovely place, when you know how to be safe, and do what you're supposed to. If you remember all of the facts then your trip should be nice, and after all spain is a great area, with a lot of culture. Remember though, the whole point of the trip is to have fun, just remember to be safe when doing so.

En este Artículo yo escribió en, seguridad, para la gente que viaja a España. Este es muy importante!. Este da muchas puntas en cómo quedarse la caja fuerte. También está bien para la gente que no es de España. España es un lugar hermoso para ir a. El delito es muy común, pero usted puede permanecer la caja fuerte.