Tram/Light rail Safety safety | Page 14

Safe Home

Kids who are growing up, need to have a feeling of safety in their own homes. It enables them to trust in their parents, and be able to go to them whenever something is wrong. When a child feels unsafe at home they often have a low self-esteem, and tend to go to other methods of expressing themselves negatively (drugs, gangs, etc.). Teens are especially affected by this, but the root cause can start at a young age, from split homes, to just the household they grew up in, all of these are contributors to children feeling unsafe, or unhappy at home.

Kids spend a large amount of time from 1-5 years old at home, because they are unable to do things themselves, these are the most important years of their lives, where they grow and develop mentally, this time needs to be a stable one. When kids are young they are more likely to feel fear, due to overactive imaginations. Here is a table from the website (Nationwidechildrens hospital) It talks about children's fear throughout the ages, and what they think.. Younger children have many fears as a result of the things they can’t comprehend. Many people deny kids fears, which makes their children feel the same, denied. You have to encourage your child to learn, do things, and let them know, that they mean the world to you. Without these things, thoughts of suicide and depression are a result of the low self-esteem inflicted by their parents, causing them to be unsafe from themselves. This is only one outcome, some kids going into teens, will turn to drugs and alcohol as a coping technique, simply because their parents didn’t seem to care so they were going to make them, or at least try to.

KML KL When kids get older they find themselves straying away from their parents, it’s a natural thing, but they have to know there is a presence at home, there has to be rules in order for that child to set up their own morals. As it states at Cleveland clinic. Org “Teens whose parents regularly communicate with them about the dangers of drugs have a decreased risk of using tobacco, alcohol or other drugs” (p.1, ND) Just showing your kids how to be safe, and not do drugs, makes a significant impact.

There are many issues that can occur, when kids don’t feel they are safe, death, low self-esteem, bad habits, etc. But their are things that can be done to prevent it. Let your kids know that you are there for them, allow them to let you in and talk with them when they need it, communication is a very important part of any working relationship.

They need you, as a parent, to be their, and show them a better world, starting at home.