I Carnival
Released for the label La Clinica Dischi, Se
non mi tengo volo is the new album of the
rock Ligurian band I Carnival. After the debut album Superstellar, the group operates on
less gloomy atmospheres. It starts with a radical Pornovisione Cult, which immediately
fills up the areas of aggression and ambiguity.
The guitar is the star, but without obscurating
a strong rhythm section. Furia fuggitiva is
acid, with a drumming with vintage flavors;
the pattern is syncopated, with smooth accelerations and sudden braking. A little softer is
the departure of Ora che non ho più te, even
if the pace speeds up and blows away the first
sensations, including big guitar parts of considerable strength and small falsetto appositions. Cinema Paradiso establishes a full rock
background, backing vocals here and there
with some flirts with rap. La psiche inversa
opens with a moderate tone, but changing air
and welcoming very clear indie influences.
Tutti i vizi che ho accelerates again emphasizing the balance between vintage sounds and
a contemporary structure. Rollingstronz inserts a bit of irony in the speech, while Triangolo Shock creeps in some funk feeling, with
a good presence of the bass. Lp closes with
Me ne sbatto il cazzo, which confirms cheeky
attitude and sound. Excellent proof for I Carnival, in a record very pleasant to listen to but
also hard in sounds and concepts. Without
begging pardon to anyone.
Click here
and listen
to “Se non mi
tengo volo”