TRAKS MAGAZINE TraKs Magazine #2 | Page 14

interview as their common feature the characteristic of “caring” of the collective good and the real desires of the individual, and is solely intended self-interest. We chose this song as the first single, it seemed the most appropriate, since it has a beginning and an end very hard, harmonic and sweet. Can you talk about the instruments you used to play on this record? Amplifiers strictly Orange and Fender guitars, Ampeg for bass, guitars Gibson Les Paul and Fender Jaguar sg and then, Jazz Master and Telecaster, Gibson Thunderbird bass. For drums we used various different components, but not being a drummer I am unprepa- What moods and feelings gave birth to “L’eticAmorale”? The album stems from the refusal to want to adapt to a way of life imposed by our society, that seems precarious in every respect and that take us to sleep through the use of technological toys, designed to intoxicate our basic instinct of survival. No longer it exists an ethics in its moral, we are in the era of ethics amoral. This lp comes from a combination of some songs accumulated in the past, and new songs, including a couple even born during studio recording. What were the biggest difficulties you encountered in making the disc, if there were? Having brought the old songs we realized during the recordings that in some parts, the arrangement was less effective than the script used for the latest songs, so we had to over- 14 red, I can tell you that my voice was used a historical model of microphone which accounted Freddie Mercury, obviously not the same, that would be too much. Who is the independent artist Italian you like the most right now and why? Pierpaolo Capovilla, front man of Il Teatro degli Orrori, a man who cares about the current fashions applied to the concept of music, an artist with great charisma, which at times recalls Carmelo Bene, in his intimate way of call on the public, and Pier Paolo Pasolini, the thickness of the grain of poetry he uses to tell the life, in a manner so violent and detailed. turn largely writing old songs, a great effort that brought us however an excellent result. How did you write “Io personalmente me ne frego” and why you have chosen it as a single? It’s a cry that comes from the deep discomfort that is felt against the society, seen as the superstructure, where the absence of values ​​and the constant presence of stakes coercive excessive individuality, free expression. Analyzing the root, there is a feeling of being in front of a mirror. On the one hand, as introspective reflection, there is the individual, the free man, that does not feel and can no longer be part of this structure that oppresses th