reviews Cure. A good and significant record, the se- cond of the Secret Sight, which faces a phase of evolution. Songs slide off quickly leaving good feelings. secret sight “shared lonelines” Shared Loneliness is the second lp of Secret Sight. Presented as a work of “evo- lution and maturity”, the Anconetan trio faces issues of decadence and alienation with a re-elaboration of the post-punk/ new wave of debut. Born in 2014 as the Coldwave project, Secret Sight begins their journey realizing shortly the Day.Night. Life debut album (Red Cat records). The band then separates from vocalist Matteo Schipsi, deciding to continue as a trio and start wor- king on the second work, whose pro- duction is entru- sted to Alessan- dro Ovi Sportelli’s hands (Prozac +, Baustelle, Diafram- ma, Zen Circus). The new album will be released for the French label Unknown Pleasures Records (CD Edition) and Manic Depression Re- cords (Vinyl Edition). After the introduc- tory Lowest Point the record starts on dark tones and clearly influenced by the new wave in Stage Lights, actually very light but very fast. Speed is ​​ also among the features of Blindmind, which refers to some commonness with more recent groups, such as Editors. Fallen keeps on high emotional levels, highlighting the rhythm section. Some slowdown occurs with Flowers, part of the most melancho- lic of the album. Instead, Swan’s Smile returns to feelings, while Over kicks on drumming to get life-long cycles. Western modes and resonant guitars for a very ani- mated Surprising Lord, before closing with Sometimes, with some echoes of The deison & Mingle “tilaventum” After several years of its conception, Tila- ventum is ready; it is a project designed by Sandra Tonizzo who, together with Deison & Mingle, pays homage to the river Taglia- mento; a place of the soul described in 11 snapshots that over time have collected the sound contributions of various musicians / friends who share the same love for the river. “Apparently a common river (from the pas- sage to one of its bridges you can only look like a gray expanse of stones) is an extremely precious ecosystem and it is considered to be the last intact river corridor of the Alps. For its primordial conformation is studied by researchers of all over the world to rena- turalize other urbanized rivers.The history of this river descends into a tangle of blue meanders that change continually and from one season to the next give different coordina- tes: Cambodia without the temples spikes, the Caribbean with ice in the water and that from abo- ve look like the human arterial system”. The lp, as it is customary for the two experimental and avant-garde, opens with Arteria, a con- tinuous stream of sounds that is occasionally interspersed with deep introspections. Ti- 24 limenti makes the lighter grip, but as the sensations taper, underground movements grow. Rarefact emotions are those tho- se transmitted by Agane, while breaking the banks with La Piena, which however is not as torrid as one might expect. Sot- terraneo returns to a more intimate and modest mode, but there is some emerging phenomenon in the coming. Grave is soft and electric, lazy and in chiaroscuro. Pie- tra viva, in opposition to earlier rather “stable” tracks, promotes sound growth. Growth leads to a track between industrial and metal as 21.00.12, followed by a re- turn to some tranquility with Savalon. We travel to the final with th e soft and ethere- al Nel tuo letto, before the river’s journey ends with Ajar e Aghe, the only episode sung by Anna Comand with delicacy and almost timidity. Another remarkable work by Deison & Mingle, who this time photo- graphs the flow, even temporal, of a great river using always weapons but also a sen- sibility flow-sensitive. the command to update the page to the computer ). Within its nine tracks, the constant theme is the difficulty of establi- shing authentic relationships with others and the attitude of pretending in all social and personal contexts. The first track of the disc is 2 Prede, a special opening fe- aturing tribal beats, pischedelic sounds, a widespread sense of challenge. Theatri- cal and almost progressive (but without being nostalgic) is On the Net, another song with consistent rhythms.Some quie- ter sensations and a remarkable groove marks E la Pioggia Lava l’aria. Quello che è addosso starts at full speed, brin- ging quite dramatic feelings. L’alieno prepares for rhythm changes and shows different scenarios, using electrical and electronic ideas. Greater detachment in a cosmic Siderale, where the shoegaze ascendants appear in more clear evidence. Electro beats are the ones of Favola Noir, which receives impulses almost from dan- cefloor. Black Bloc proves to be more ag- gressive, advances some hypothesis about the true nature of the movement mentio- ned in the title, and tears the tones with the help of a funky guitar. The album’s exit door is Goodbye, soft and sung in English, on dreamy trails. Shoe’s Killin ‘Worms ma- nage to diversify their energies in different directions, catching on different influences and obtaining a disc with many faces and obvious inspiration. shoe’s killin’ worm “f5” Shoe’s Killin’Worm are born in Foggia in 2004 as a minimalist trio of indieshoegaze and electronic inspiration with a line-up of voice, guitar and piano-synth pro- gramming. Since 2008, the band has been playing stable with bass and drums. After publishing two self-produced works (Box with View and s / t 2012), they now see their new album labeled Seahorse Re- cordings entitled F5 (with reference to 25