andy k leland
Andrea Marcellini aka Andy K Leland sur-
vived the dissolution of his former band, My
Cruel Goro, to put on a six-song ep the start
of his solo career. Happy Daze is a folk-inspi-
red work: we asked to Andy a few questions
(but he answered only to the ones he wanted,
and how he wanted).
How and when did you realize that it was
the case to “put your own” and make a who-
le ep?
I’ve always been on my own, but I was not
aware of that. I remember there was a strong
electric shock. Ekim told me that there were
too many of us inside and time was about to
of its own or you see it as a way of approa-
ching a near lp?
I do not know. I have many ideas in my head,
but now I just want to enjoy the present.
expire. He added that only one could stay and
stand in front of Biloba. Then he disappeared.
I felt exhausted after that weird experience
and I just fell asleep. I opened my eyes at 4:45
am. I do not remember what day it was. So-
meone was crying out loud, windows explo-
ded making a deep, roaring sound. Water all
around, but The Bubble was warm and said:
“You’re on your own. You’re the one”. I’m awa-
re now.
Can you describe how the “Happy Daze”
work went on?
I had many songs recorded at home on my
phone. By the time I had no clue what this
could have led to. One day I was listening to
a few of these little rough creatures when I
suddenly thought: “Cool!”. Besides my voi-
ce and my acoustic I could hear some hum-
ming noise. You know… sort of ambiental,
domestic sounds, birds whistling (even some
dogs barking at times). It all felt so pure and
honest. In the studio it was the same thing.
I just kept the same attitude: few micropho-
nes, home atmosphere, windows open when
it was too warm, closed when it was cooler.
I just got into the right mood and let it go. It
was very spontaneous and pleasant. As if I
were playing my songs for the first time. Huge
thanks goes to Michele Bellagamba, the guy
who recorded ‘Happy Daze’. A friend and a
very professional, committed bloke.
How was born “Home Grown Muck”?
Like the others. I went on a journey, don’t
know where. And I can’t remember a single
What are your key points? Who did you in-
spire by writing?
Visionary cinema, neuronal electrical activity,
intuition and vitamin D...
The ep has just being released. It is a work