metropol parasol
Metropol Parasol was born in January 2016
by an idea of Federico Giannini and France-
sco Bocconi, respectively drummer and bas-
sist of the band. A few weeks later Francesco
Tamagnini completes the line up to the voice
and together begin to write the pieces that
will give life to Farabola, their first lp.
Can you tell how you got here?
“Farabola” was thought, written, deleted,
rewritten and recorded in a few months. We
were born early in 2016 and already in Sep-
tember we had the disk ready for mixing and
mastering. All this chaos has been the driving
force for the whole disk. A chaos we tried to
channel and tell everyone who wants to listen
to it.
What does it mean the title of the lp?
Farabola is a ditch (or for those who never
stop dreaming, a river) that passes behind our
test room in Viareggio.We wanted to give this
title because it is the real starting point for
this project. The record speaks of us, of what
is around us and of our city.
Your songs sound very different one from
each other: if you were to give a self-defini-
tion of your music (such as catching a girl at
the pub: “Do you know I’m in a band that’s
playing ...?”) how would you tell it?
To go to a girl at the pub we remind everyone
that it is good to say whatever you think she
wants to hear, saying this, we like to
let others have the difficult task of
getting caught in some kind. We like
to see what’s coming out
Why did you choose to cover Karo-
shi’s “Garrincha” cover?
It’s a song that I (Francesco B, there
are two Francesco in the band, right
to go back to chaos) and we love Fe-
derico since the time it was written.
Karoshi is a project by Francesco Ca-
prai that no longer exists, we wanted
to give her a new life.
How is INNO born?
INNO maybe it was the easiest song
to start and finish, I think it’s been
done all in one day. I pulled down
the instrumental part and passed
it over to whatsapp. Francesco (the
other) immediately found voice line
and words, recorded it on the fly and
more or less remained unchanged
until the disk was printed. People
who writes songs knows how diffi-
cult it is to concatenate such events,
we have been very lucky.
Can you list three tracks that have
influenced you particularly?
Ohh, that’s a tough question, can
we tell 3 groups? Who keeps silent consents?
Okay... so let’s say Royal Blood, because I’m
the most recent example of rock making wi-
thout guitars, then let’s say Fast Animals And
Slow Kids, because Federico then kills me (I
joke, I like them all 3), and finally we say Red
Hot Chili Peppers, which have nothing to do
with the Metropol Parasol, but have been for
all three starting points at a young age.