artists that you most esteemed at this time
and why?
Each of us is also listening very differently
from the others. It is not easy to answer as a
group. But let us try with these names to get
enough of it: Ministers, Park Avenue and Ver-
Can you indicate three songs, Italian or
foreign, which have influenced you particu-
As for the earlier question, there are songs
that have influenced each of us. As a group
we can say we rearranged songs like Back in
the USSR of Beatles, I still haven’t found what
I’m looking for for the U2 and Starlight of the
effects like distortion and delay, Gianluca
used his low Fender Jazz often with clean
sound but with the distortion in some lively
pieces, Mattia instead played his craft acoustic
battery, a real gem!
Can you describe your concerts? What are
the upcoming dates that will be visible to
In our concerts we are accustomed to reshoo-
ting the disk in full, sometimes it requires we
propose covers of the songs that we like most
but filtered out of our interpretation. One of
our upcoming dates is October 29 at Panicale
(Perugia) during the Pan’olio event, we look
forward to it!
Who is or who are the Italian independent
much difficulty in general, maybe the song
that made us worse was “Tempesta”: there are
at least three versions of the arrangement of
that song!
How did “Otto minuti di follia” was born?
In the demo done at the beginning, we had a
cheerful arrangement for the lyrics that spea-
ks of a dramatic situation. Then we all found
the right harmony to make it one of our best
Can you tell the main instrument you used
to play on this record?
It’s pretty simple: Lorenzo sang and played his
Ovation acoustic guitar, Valentino played the
electric piano and a synthesizer that makes
various sounds from the organ to the special
effects of “Infinito”, Maurizio has played va-
rious guitars from Fender to Gibson depen-
ding on of the sound he wanted to get with
tribute to Audiosphere sound.
“Ogni cosa al suo posto” is your debut: can
you tell how did you handle the album pro-
cessing? Are they composed songs ad hoc or
accumulated over time?
We started arranging the songs in the stu-
dio, every song has a story in itself. When we
finally felt satisfied we got to the recording
studio where we refined the sound. In the end
we chose eleven songs that we think are the
most representative for the album. For the
title we chose the verse of one of the tracks:
“Everything in its place.” With Musicraiser we
made the leap of quality by reaching a wider
audience and bringing new fans closer.
What were the biggest difficulties you en-
countered in making the disc, if any?
We had a great time with our producers at
BustHard Studios in Terni. We did not have