Bang Bang Vegas
A step back
on the evolution
Born “with the specific goal of
bringing back blues and rock in the
streets”, Bang Bang Vegas keep
faith with their intentions thanks
to a record like Party Animals,
recently relaunched also thanks to
a new video, the title track, which
tells the story of a “rosary”, that is,
a rose seller.
The video tells the story of a
rose seller, why this choice?
We always saw this Bengali boy
with roses at the same traffic li-
ght, for years, morning, afternoon,
evening, 40 degrees, -5 degrees,
rain, snow, always smiling, on the
Sempione state road. One day we
were going to play at the Trottoir,
we were at the tail of his lights, he
gets closer as usual, he sees the in-
struments and says “Khan big star
in India, big star”. At that time we
were looking for the protagonist of
the video of Party Animals, he had
served it on a silver platter. Who
better than him could play the figu-
re of the hardcore worker in Milan
who ... you will see in the video.
The rest is future history.
Did the protagonist of the video
understand the meaning of the
initiative? Did you willingly con-
sent to the shoot?
He willingly consented. Even if
we were not so sure it would even-
tually show up. We just wanted to
spend a couple of days together
and have fun, first of all. Then
obviously we happened to know
better the character behind that
nice face. A world that we can only
imagine. The goal, however, was to
break the wall inside him, let him
live a few hours of total fun and
make him forget the thousands of
cocks he had on his mind. Done.
We cross it again every day at that
traffic light, can not wait to release
the video.
What is the message you want
to give? What connection does it
have with the lyrics of the song?