eting told me that I could be her assistant :) The privilege of writing songs means finding a fissure from which to release emotions that otherwise I would keep inside , it means emptying me leaving a perennial trace of what I have been up to the moment before writing . When I recorded this record , I simply took care of my emotions , the one from which I cared afterwards I could not even imagine it . Now I can finally say that the desire to sing it in the world has become one of the best motivations for the remission of a disease that scared me so much . How are the sounds of your album born ? In reality I am a curious person who likes to join musicians who make beautiful music and I never discriminate on beauty . I listen to jazz and electronic music , classical music and Italian author music , indie pop and indie rock , especially in English . Then I stop there where listening has lightened my heart
and tore a smile . In my records , in this especially , I have searched and chosen sounds that meet these requirements first of all for myself . If I should then be able to stimulate , in the listener , important reflections without becoming boring , my bet would be won . How was “ The Snow Game ” born ? From my personal relationship in danger . A story dominated by indecision and the inability to make a choice . When I realized that I had to surrender to the feeling , I wrote this song , inviting the other person to get on the thin thread of my life and risk his balance with me .