story of Kurt Cobain it is super-
fluous to explain what I mean. It
is a cynical and even provocative
affirmation, born the day when
I wondered how Cobain would
have reacted if he had lived in a
society like the present one, in whi-
ch everything he has always hated
is often taken to the extreme. The
title should not be interpreted as a
sentence, but rather as a food for
thought... What then is a bit the
role that I would have all my songs.
When did you realize it was time
to do become a soloist?
The positive thing about playing
in a group is that we often enrich
each other. Everyone brings with
them their tastes, their experien-
ce and musical sensitivity. When
you create the right alchemy, the
result can be truly surprising. On
the other hand, however, we often
have to compromise and someti-
mes we end up wondering what
the result could have been if
everything had been done in our
own way. Perhaps now, as far as
Lorenzo Raimondi, aka Rai, despi-
te having landed in electronics and
shoegaze does not forget the grun-
ge roots and gets out Aveva ragio-
ne Cobain.
Given that Cobain was right, on
what, in particular?
Cobain was right about many thin-
gs... In the song that gives the title
to the lp, however, two are spe-
cified in particular: weapons and
chemistry. If you know a little the
Why did you open
your own music stu-
dio, the Micro Silent
At some point in my life I felt the
need to have a place of my own
in which to take she lter, gather
ideas and fix them in space and
time. From here the Micro Silent
Studio was born, a studio of ho-
memade music production in whi-
ch I create, mix and experiment.
Micro because it is located in the
corner of a small room, where all
my equipment is arranged in such
a way as to optimize the overall
dimensions. Silent because I often
work there at night and find my-
self in a condominium, I happen
to do most of the headphones.
That’s how my record took shape!
In addition to having also mixed
someone for other bands and mu-
sicians, at the moment I’m wor-
king in the Milan area of audio
production for Sofar Sounds, in-
ternational format of secret con-
I’m concerned, the time has come
to take away this curiosity. Taking
care of every aspect of my project
is ten times more challenging. But
just as gratifying, when you see
your ideas take shape in the way
they are imagined.
Do you recognize yourself in
the definition “retro pop +
Yes, the sound of Cobain was ri-
ght born of years of music that I
lived in. Thanks also to my work I
came in contact with many bands
and this gave me the opportuni-
ty to compare myself with many
different realities. My ratings have
changed over time and I have evol-
ved. Some have slipped away ma-
king little noise and without leaving
too visible traces, while others have
remained etched in my cultural
baggage that I always carry with
me. Here, they are all these sounds
that make up the record, held to-
gether by an amalgam of synth and
electronic rhythmic straight and
not very glossy.