So much meat in the fire.
The group is based on five la-
bels: why this choice?
Our mission is to become an indie
major with all sub-labels. In rea-
lity it is not a need for union, but
rather that of being able to range
over several musical fronts starting
from a single coordinating subject,
which manages various property
labels, characterized by precise the-
matic elements.
You have an open collaboration
with the famous Abbey Road
studios: how does this collabo-
ration come about?
The collaboration stems from the
great managerial work done by
Giacomo Manfredi, who has sub-
mitted our artists to the Abbey
Road Institute, which has deemed
it appropriate to work with us for
the design of the projects. Thanks
go to Matteo Shipsi who coordina-
ted the whole activity with Giaco-
mo. In 2017 we produced Leaves
and Stone and Le Madri degli Or-
fani. The first project is very mi-
One Eyed Jack
Tumulto and promoter. Stefano
Gatti promoter of Correggio and
musician who organizes events in
central Italy for Fil. Giulio Oldrini,
video director and director, and fi-
nally Eric Le Funtan, head of our
office in Beijing, American pro-
moter and manager to whom we
have entrusted the management of
Fil1933 in China. In short, we are
a good team, we consider oursel-
ves an extended family, a collective
of intentions. We collaborate with
established artists, and in May we
will produce Kristian Marr, a histo-
ric friend and guitarist of Amy Wi-
nimalist and classic with a cello
piano and a voice with a sung in
English. The Mothers instead are
pure pop garage, sung in Italian:
yes, the English have produced in
our language.
Do you want to talk about your
Chinese projects?
We are working by three years
now, we can say that we are the
first record company to develop
the brand in China, a closed and
tight market. We think it’s the fu-
ture for artistic start-ups (bands
and soloists). Through sector stu-
dies and travel we
have realized that in
China a socio-cultural
revolution is taking place,
as in Europe after the war at the
musical level, and we have seen
it first. We are publishing ten re-
cords in six months on Chinese
radio, TV and social networks in
a maximal way because we have
access to privileged and primary
channels, which in the West
would be impossible for us. The
goal is to bring Italian music to
Le madri degli orfani