dancing scrap
Dancing Scrap publish new album This is
Sexy Sonic Alternative Iron Punk and go
on tour, mainly in Europe and UK. We asked
them a few questions. Can you tell your
story so far?
Bobby (Bass): We’d need an episodic inter-
view just to go through all the stories and
important stages!
Danilo (Drums): I was thrown straight into
the deep end when I became the new drum-
mer for Dancing Scrap, and only shared some
of those moments, although still living the
full experience.
The album title is a declaration of intents:
Which objectives did you want to achieve?
- Ronnie (vocalist): My idea was to mock the
need that many have to put us into a specific
category: I fully understand that on a marke-
ting point of view it might be necessary, but
on a mere artistic point, it’s not. The idea is to
just listen and experience whatever the al-
bum transmits to you, regardless of the labels.
With the title ‘This is Sexy Sonic Alternative
Iron Punk’, we purposely tried to create con-
fusion and, hopefully, curiosity!
Bobby (Bass): In other words: Have fun and
have others have fun without any label con-
Sal (Guitar): Exactly, have fun and make
others feel good with your art.
Could you please explain how your chosen
single ‘I Like It’ was born?
Sal (Guitar): It all started through one of my
riffs, then Ronnie and Bobby put their own
on top of it.
Ronnie (Vocalist): Yes, ‘I Like It’ was born
from one of Sal’s ideas, which we developed
together with Bobby. It couldn’t have not
been the first single, but in my opinion, it is
not one of the songs that would define us as
a band. Probably that song doesn’t exist yet.
Our first album, ‘Cut it out’, was mainly com-
posed by songs I had written and eventually
enriched by Bobby’s intervention; unlike our
new one, which is mostly based on Bobby’s
and Sal’s ideas, all arranged by myself.
I believe that the next one will be the first real
album written by the whole band.
You have already played a lot abroad. What
expectations do you have for upcoming UK
Danilo (Drummer): The Eastern European
tour was my first experience abroad, and I
found it deeply emotional, and it taught me a
lot. Outside the borders, other cultures seem
to still be open minded and not afraid of so-
mething different. As for the UK tour, I’m
expecting a much demanding audience.
Bobby (Bass): Regardless of the size of the
audience, the reception has always been very
positive. And you can find it all online. About
the upcoming tour: I’ll let the people who’ll
attend the dates speak for it.
Sal (Guitar): We’ve always been fulfilled by
the audience reaction and their willingness to
let themselves go while enjoying our music.
Ronnie (Vocalist): We spent 3 months in Lon-
don, playing 15 gigs, so we can’t really call
that past one a tour. Bobby and myself are
the only two left in the band who took part
to that adventure. It affirmed that our music
is strong, and definitely enjoyed by the same
people who invented it in the first place. We
could have stopped straight after that, but ha-
dn’t yet published an album, so we decided to
go ahead. Or maybe we kept going cause we
wanted to go back to the UK, which will hap-
pen at the end of November, but this time we
won’t just stop to London!
(Reviewed by Angela Curiello)