The role of the Media: changing the culture of Disaster management
Practical exercise: Risk management and Scenario building
Field Visits to local Disaster Management units
Module 9 Shifts in Hegemony
December 8th – December 12th 2014
- History of colonisat ion and decolonisation
- History and economics of the 20th century
- Critique of the concepts of North and South
- Cultural representations of the North and the South
- International relations theories
- International political-economy and law
- Development theory and policy
- The emergence of the BRICS
- The multiplicity of actors involved in international development
Module 10 The Rise of China and its impact on the Caribbean
January 12th – January 16th 2015
- The diplomatic history of China
- The economy of China
- China and its Asian neighbours
- Contemporary challenges
- The diplomatic culture of China
- China’s relations with the Caribbean
- South-South cooperation
Module 11 Small States in Trade Diplomacy: The Caribbean Perspective
February 9th – February 13th 2015
- The Evolving Nature of World Trade
- The national and regional institutional trading set up
- Trading within CARICOM and Latin America
- The Caribbean Triangular Diplomacy with the EU and the ACP: negotiating EPAs
- Trading with the BRICS: Issues and Challenges
- From aid to trade: opportunities and challenges
- The post- Doha Development Round
- The Trade Facilitation Agreement adopted at the Bali Ministerial in November, 2013:
implications and practical benefits
- Practical exercise: negotiating at the WTO
Module 12 Humanitarian Affairs and the Responsibility to Protect: Issues,
Processes, and Critiques
February 23th – February 27th 2015
- The universal architecture of humanitarian affairs