Trainers Guide Sessions 1-8 | Page 81

The work done to create this guide would not have been possible without the invaluable support and technical guidance of MTV ’ s Staying Alive Foundation ( SAF ), Espolea and Youth R . I . S . E . In addition , this guide was created with the help of many individuals who acted as authors , peer reviewers , and training facilitators .
Special thanks to :
Amber Lacroix ( Canada ) Aram Barra ( Mexico ) Ashley O ’ Brien ( Canada ) Brun González ( Mexico ) Cecilia García ( Mexico ) Claudia Ahumada ( Chile ) Cristina Fierbinteanu ( Romania ) Emalie Huriaux ( US ) Ivens Reyner ( Brazil ) Kalindy Bolivar ( Ecuador ) Kunle Odeyemi ( Nigeria ) Kyla Zanardi ( Canada ) Kyle ‘ Pyke ’ ( Canada ) Luciano Colonna ( US ) Mary Leeder ( Canada ) Mimi Melles ( Kenya / US ) Murtaza Majeed ( Afghanistan ) Newton Manoharmayum ( India ) Oana Ana-Maria Enache ( Romania ) Raluca Teodorescu ( Romania ) Roshan Ningthoujam ( India ) Ruben Diazconti ( Mexico )