This activity allows you to get as much feedback as possible in a quick manner . Thus , if you have any questions regarding participants ’ feedback , you may ask participants to help you understand the feedback given .
If there are any particular questions regarding the subjects covered that you think are relevant for the larger group and won ’ t take you much time to explain , answer them right away . If you believe the answer might take too long , ask the person who posed the question to see you after the end of the session so you can provide further information on the topic .
After you have gone through all the answers , ask the participants if there is anything else they would like to add or any personal opinions anyone would like to include . People are also welcome to talk about how they would like to pass along the knowledge they acquired through the training to their peers . If an idea that was not already posted on the wall comes up , make sure to ask the participant to write it down and stick it up . At the end , take a picture of all the answers as these will serve you in doing your final report of the training sessions or for your own archive . Last but not least , make sure to underscore the importance of them passing on the information they learned from the training to their peers . Offer your support to facilitate this process and that you are available beyond the training to help participants share information with their communities .