Trainers Guide Sessions 1-8 | Page 63

theclient know that you will be missed and have been witnessed leaving with him / her . Talking into your cell phone , even if it ’ s not operating , can lend to the impression that you are ‘ connected ’. If working from a regular spot , make sure someone sees you both go in , so they can make sure you both come out . o Share information with your co-workers . If you have had a bad experience with a client pass their details on to co-workers . Describe the car , how he or she looks , his or her rap , anything that will help others avoid going off with him or her . o Consider reporting the incident to the police . Some police are sympathetic and will do all they can to help get this person off the streets and prevent them from harming someone else . Remember : an assault is an assault , whether you live in the White House or you don ’ t even have a house .


o Try to use a latex / polyurethane condom for each sexual act , to prevent STIs and HIV . For oral sex try a non-lubricated or flavoured condom . o For vaginal / anal sex , use a lubricated condom and as much lube as possible ( remember , don ’ t use oil or sugar-based lubes with latex condoms ), to reduce “ trauma and abrasions ”, which means harm to your vagina or anus . It ’ s especially important to protect yourself from secondary / re-infection with HIV if you are immune compromised from HIV or hepatitis C . Obviously , condoms also prevent pregnancy ! o If you are really high or really sick , you may find yourself agreeing to do things you normally wouldn ’ t when you negotiate terms with a client . Try to get straight before your date . o Wear shoes you can run in .

Dress for success

o Avoid wearing necklaces , scarves , key chains , anything around the neck , as it can be used to strangle or drag you . o Maintain hygiene . If at all possible , try to wash between dates . If water is not available , non-alcohol towelettes are good . o Get yourself checked as often as possible ( at least every six months ). If you need help accessing HIV / STI care or gynaecological care , contact your local community centre or