By the end of this session , participants should be able to articulate at least three injection-related risks and present strategies to reduce these risks .
Expected time of activity : 20 minutes each
Choose from either of the following activities . You may also do them both in the order provided depending on the amount of time you have available . If you do Activity 1 , prepare images of the body , which may be photocopies from images provided in this guide or by downloading directly from the Internet .
Activity 1 or Activity 2
Activity1 : As an exercise for participants , display each of the areas of the body where people may inject as pictures or cut outs . Have enough sets of illustrations for each participant . Ask each of the participants to place the pictures in order of risk , from least risk to greatest risk . This exercise can be done on the floor or up on a wall , depending on the space you are using for your training . Once all participants have placed the diagrams on a hard surface , verify their answers for accuracy with the information provided in this guide .
Activity2 : Ask participants to formulate questions that will help assess the possible risks a peer may experience . The questions should be related to behaviour , emotional state , resources and other methods of change . Two volunteers will play the roles of educator / counsellor and client . The educator / counsellor will be given the questions to ask the client .
At the end of the role-play ask the group the following questions : What was the risk of infection of the client ? / What resources does he currently have to help him change his behaviour ? / What resources does he lack that would help him change his behaviour ? / Which questions were hardest to for the client to answer ?