Trainers Guide Sessions 1-8 | Page 50

o Preparing drugs for personal use in one ’ s own space , and using equipment that has not been used by anyone else . o Choosing the smallest possible bore and length needle for the injection site . o Selecting a suitable vein , introducing the needle carefully by sliding it under the skin , at a shallow angle with the bevel up . o Injecting with the blood flow , i . e . towards the heart . o Injecting slowly to reduce the likelihood of drugs leaking into the tissues surrounding the vein and damaging the vein . o Injecting the hit in two halves with a short break ( a few seconds ) between to reduce the risk of overdose . o Pulling back the plunger to identify that the needle is in a vein – a small amount of dark red venous blood should trickle into the syringe . If a tourniquet is used it should be loosened once blood has been drawn into the syringe . o Not jacking back blood ( pulling out and back in ) and flushing after a shot as this can significantly increase damage to the vein . o Removing the needle slowly and carefully . o Applying pressure to the site with a blood-proof pad , gauze , cotton wool or tissue ( bruising is caused by bleeding into the surrounding tissue . Immediate firm pressure will limit the amount of bruising caused ). o Safely disposing of used injecting equipment , including whatever has been used to stop bleeding .

Sites for intravenous drug injection

Correct Needle Insertion