Peer Facilitator Tools ___________________________________________________
By the end of the session , participants should be able to articulate at least three strategies to reduce drug-related harm associated with non-injection use of drugs .
Expected time of activity : 30 minutes
Sit the group in a circle and give everyone a marker and three pieces of paper , each in a different colour ( e . g ., each person gets a pink , green and yellow piece of paper ).
Ask the group to construct a flow chart of the different stages of a party night , using the coloured papers . On each paper they should list a different drug , for example : alcohol , marihuana and ecstasy . Ask them to list on each paper risks related to that drug and HIV and to identify what can they do to minimise risks . As a large group , review each of the papers and encourage discussion about the risks participants associate with each drug , as well as the strategies to address the risks . Ask the group to draw conclusions about how to engage in safer “ partying ”. Correct any major flaws in information along the way .
For a video presentation on how successfully clean your injecting equipment , check out this video on YouTube :
http :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = rTdgvq86to4