1 . Open the female condom package carefully ; tear at the notch on the top right of the package . Do not use scissors or a knife to open .
2 . The outer ring covers the area around the opening of the vagina . The inner ring is used for insertion and to help hold the sheath in place during intercourse .
3 . While holding the female condom at the closed end , grasp the flexible inner ring and squeeze it with the thumb and second or middle finger so it becomes long and narrow .
For Further Reading ___________________________________________________
Two popular World Health Organisation guides on how to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV are accessible online at the following web addresses :
http :// www . who . int / hiv / pub / mtct / PMTCTfactsheet / en / index . html http :// whqlibdoc . who . int / publications / 2010 / 9789241599535 _ eng . pdf