Trainers Guide Sessions 1-8 | Page 18

Observe and discuss

Now instruct the group to observe their posted responses for a minute or two and facilitate discussion by reading aloud responses that seem most interesting , even if some of them make you uncomfortable or you don ’ t personally like them . You can ask the group “ What do you think of all these responses ?” and create discussion around the issues presented during the brainstorm . If you don ’ t understand someone ’ s response , you can say , “ Tell me more about that ,” to try to get clarification .
In addition , this session provides a smooth transition to the next topic ; harm reduction . Note that the questions “ what is sex ?” and “ what is a drug ?” are on one same colour paper on different parts of the wall or flip chart paper . Ask the group what relationships they see , if any , between both questions . Similarly , ask participants if they see any relations between the other answers in section 1 and 2 of this exercise . Use this discussion as a transition to the next section , which includes more concrete information on sexual health and drug-related harm reduction .