Member Report
South Whiteshell Trail Association, SWTA
Our new Mountain Bike Trail Initiative continues to
gain momentum. Trails have been developed/
improved on both the Five of Diamonds, (Falcon Trails
Resort) and Blue Highway sections of trail. Volunteers
have played a significant role and dedicated many
hours of hard work towards developing and improving
these sections of trail. We have applied for a grant to
MEC to further develop this initiative and will find out
next month if we are successful.
Funds were secured through the Canada 150 Grant initiative to build two connector
trails that will link the South Shore Trail along Falcon Lake to the system of hiking and
mountain bike trails at Falcon Trails Resort. Again, this is consistent with our goal of
creating an interconnected trail system throughout the area. We hope to have these
new trails completed to a phase one stage, (final gravel layer will come later), by July 1,
2017 to coincide with Canada Ultra Run planned for Canada’s 150th Birthday. Partici-
pants will run the new connector trails as the final
Annual Report -2017 Year in Review