Commissioner Corner
Unit Service Plan
The Unit Service Plan is a tool to strengthen a unit and enable it to offer the best possible program to the youth it serves . A collaborative effort between the unit ’ s leaders , its chartered organization , the unit commissioner , and the district operating committee .
�� A Unit Service Plan provides focus . It is built upon a collaborative assessment of a unit ’ s strengths and needs between the unit ’ s leaders , its chartered organization , the unit commissioner , and the district operating committee .
�� A Unit Service Plan establishes a customized annual plan that is periodically reviewed and updated to provide continuing improvement .
�� A Unit Service Plan contains actionable information . It includes a limited number ( typically , five to seven ) SMART goals ; goals that are Specific , Measurable , Achievable , Relevant and Resource oriented , and Time based .
�� A Unit Service Plan enables linkage to other resources needed to ensure success .
Most of all the “ USP ” represents the process of continuous improvement that enables good units to become better and great units to become ( more ) excellent .
Commissioner Contact Information
Need help ? Friendly advice ? Free cup of coffee ? Call your commissioner . They stand ready to help you and your unit succeed .
Council Commissioner Doug Benninger – dbenny2000 @ zoominternet . net
Glacier Ridge Service Area Josh Nussbaum – jmnussbaum @ outlook . com
King Beaver Service Area Bruce Gibson – bgibson @ gbtechnology . com
River Valley Service Area Eric Bloom – iwital62 @ yahoo . com
The Plan Process :
As seen in the chart above , the process is never ending . Once a cycle is finished , you start all over again . It ’ s really simple : – Review past JTE performance ( reports are available ) – Hold the unit assessment meeting ( about an hour ) – Complete the assessment together – Identify opportunities to improve – Develop action plans and print them out – Identify responsibility in the unit and in the District – Establish target dates that are within the next 3-12 months – Set SMART goals that are agreed upon by everyone – Follow-up regularly
Everything depends on the Unit Key 3 !
What is a Unit Key 3 , you say ?
�� Unit Leader
�� Committee Chair
�� Charter Organization Representative When this group communicates frequently , meets regularly , and works together , the result will be a unit that provides the absolute best program a youth can find anywhere . We guarantee it ! ( And please use your Commissioner as a guide and resource )
Washington ’ s Trail District
Snyder Service Center April 5 ~ 7:00pm
Spring 2017
Moraine Trails Council , Boy Scouts of America