TradeTech Daily 2024 | Page 30


TradeTech Europe Day One , Tuesday 23rd April , 2024
Times may not be 100 % accurate – please check the event app for the most accurate schedule .
13.45 ETF PANEL : Navigating the European ETF landscape : What key trends , regulatory changes and innovations are on the horizon , and how will they shape the evolution of the European ETF market ? Tim Miller , Senior Trader , Fidelity International Simon Barriball , ETF and Portfolio Trading , EMEA , Virtu Financial David Smith , Head of ETF Sales , SIX Swiss Exchange Ben Miller , Vice President , ETF Specialist Sales , EMEA , Citi Moderator : Lara Shevchenko , Senior Policy Advisor- Market Structure , FIA European Principal Traders Association
Interacting with Retail Liquidity
14.15 RETAIL LIQUIDITY PANEL : Examining the role of retail liquidity : How has the recent rise in retail trading impacted the institutional market , and how can this be accessed via new platforms and tools to enhance liquidity ? Adrian Bradshaw , Senior Equity Dealer , Invesco Mark Davies , Co-Founder and CEO , S3 James Webb , Deputy Head of Execution , Peel Hunt Wail Azizi , Chief Strategy Officer , Equiduct Moderator : Lara Shevchenko , Senior Policy Advisor- Market Structure , FIA European Principal Traders Association
14.40 10- minute transition to track sessions :
14.50 TRACK A : TCA & Advanced Analytics
Track Chair : Julia Streets , CEO , Streets Consulting
ALGO MONITORING PANEL : Improving algo performance and analytics : What are the optimum strategies and metrics to help assess algo and broker performance to improve execution results ? Antish Manna , Head of Execution Analytics , Multi-Asset , Man Group Kendell James , Multi Asset Trader , Federated Hermes Ash Sharma , Global Trading Analytics Manager , Aviva Investors Dr Elliot Banks , Chief Product Officer , BMLL Technologies Phil Lemmon , Head of EMEA Sales , ISS LiquidMetrix Moderator : Annabel Smith , Editor , THETRADE
15.20 TCA PANEL : Leveraging data insights : How can you feed pre and intra trade data analytics into your dealer selection and execution to improve outcomes ? Daniel Leon , Global Head of Trading , Treasury Management and Global Solutions , HSBC Asset Management Joe Collery , Head of Trading , Comgest Robert Miller , Global Head of Equity Execution Consulting , Vanguard Harish Gopalakrishnan , Director , Tick History Product & PRS Solutions , LSEG Moderator : Steve Grob , Founder , Vision57
15.50 BEHAVIORAL ANALYTICS INTERVIEW : Harnessing new analytics techniques : How are new behavioral science techniques being applied in the investment and trading process to give firms a competitive edge ? George Patter , Chief Investment Officer , PGIM Quantitative Solutions Victoria Bryan , Senior Data Analyst , Northern Trust Moderator : Julia Streets , CEO , Streets Consulting
Conference Tracks
TRACK B : Workflow & Trade Automation
Track Chair : Niki Beattie , Founder and Managing Director , Market Structure Partners
OEMS PANEL : Implementing a multi-asset OMS : How can you build the right functionalities into a multiasset OEMS to ensure it is fit for purpose and can boost auto- execution capabilities ? Martin Hendry , Deputy Head of Trading , Liontrust Asset Management Daniel Stauning , Head of Trading , Nykredit Asset Management Oskar Wantola , Head of Listed Execution Technology , Man Group Andrew Kovacs , Director of Product , EMEA , Charles River Medan Gabbay , Chief Revenue Officer , Quod Financial Moderator : Laurie McAughtry , Managing Editor , Global Trading
BUY VS BUILD PANEL : Succeeding with a hybrid set-up : How can you build a best-in-class desk that combines the strengths of your in-house capabilities whilst capitalising on new third-party provider offerings ? Ian Mawdsley , CPO , Trading and Connectivity Solutions , Broadbridge Rob Watts , Director of Strategy and Product Management , Trading Solutions , FactSet Kevin Convington , CCO , Adaptive Quintus Kilbourn , Head of Equities , Absa Bob Cioffi , Global Head of Equities Product Management , ION Markets Moderator : Rachel Przybylski , Former Head of Business Delivery , Office of the CTO , Man Technology , Man Group
DESKTOP INTEROPERABILITY INTERVIEW : Reimaging your trading workflow : How can you build a unified and integrated platform to provide a seamless user experience , streamline processes and drive efficiencies on your desk ? Peder Viervoll , Head of Quantitative Trading , Norges Bank Investment Management Jonathan Birtwell , Head of Trading and Portfolio Implementation , PanAgora Asset Management Brad Levy , CEO , Symphony Moderator : Jesse Forster , Head of Equity Market Structure & Technology , Coalition Greenwich
Guest Speakers
TRACK C : Optimising Equity Derivatives & ETF Trading
Track Chair : Matthew Cousens , Head of EMEA Equities , BestEx Research
EQUITY DERIVATIVES PANEL : Building your equity derivatives trading capabilities : How do you need to adapt your execution-style and TCA capabilities to effectively trade equity options , swaps and index futures ? Eric Boess , Global Head of Trading , Allianz Global Investors Matt Howell , Global Head of Derivatives and Multi-Asset Trading , T . Rowe Price Tim Miller , Senior Trader , Fidelity International Raphael Rochon , Direct Counterparty Trading , IMC Moderator : Larry Tabb , Head of Market Structure Research , Bloomberg Intelligence
ETF PANEL : ** Hosted under Chatham House ** Optimising ETF execution & analytics : How is ETF execution evolving and what is the most effective method to measure trade performance ?
Mike DiSpirito , Vice President- Equity and Derivatives , BlackRock
Joe Bellman , Head of Dealing , Arbuthnot Latham & Co Moderator : Larry Tabb , Head of Market Structure Research , Bloomberg Intelligence
ESG PANEL : Integrating ESG factors : What progress are firms making in implementing an ESG framework into their trading processes ? Philip Bille , Head of Buy Side Dealing & Market Structure , Degroof Petercam Oriane Cochard , Equity Trader , T . Rowe Price Jenner Sheldrake , Head of Business Development , Liquidnet Clarissa De ’ Giorgio , Head of Business Development & Marketing – Technology Solutions , Euronext Moderator : Duncan Higgins , CEO , Sustainable Trading
16.40 BUY SIDE CIO KEYNOTE TALK : Exploring the 2024 investment outlook : How can you build differentiated investment strategies in uncertain markets to deliver greater alpha for your investors ? Chris Iggo , Chief Investment Officer , AXA Investment Managers , and Chair of the AXA Investment Institute
Boardrooms & Workshops
TRACK D : Closed- Door Working Groups ** Hosted under Chatham House **
Track Chair : Julia Streets , CEO , Streets Consulting
14.50- 15.40 CLOSED- DOOR THINK TANK What are the implications of T + 1 on trading and settlement risk , and how can you adapt your processes to handle liquidity shifts ? Limited availability so please register by emailing Anna on : anna . andrews @ wbr . co . uk Host : Lynn Challenger , Global Head of Trading and Order Generation , UBS Asset Management Host : Susan Yavari , Regulatory Policy Advisor - Capital Markets , EFAMA
15.55- 16.55 VIP HEAD TRADER THINK TANK ** Hosted under Chatham House **
This is an invitation-only session hosted under Chatham House , open to 15 buy side Global / European Heads of Trading . Hosted by : Dan Nicholls , Head of Trading , Federated Hermes
17.00 GUEST SPEAKER : The Price of Time – the real story of interest : Key insights into why the global financial system is moving closer to another major crisis . Edward Chancellor , Financial Historian , Author , Journalist and Investment strategist . His most recent book is ‘ The Price of Time – the real story of interest ‘, Edward illustrates how extremely low interest rates create asset price inflation but are also largely responsible for the weak economic growth , rising inequality , elevated debt levels , and pensions crises that have impacted our economies in recent years . Meanwhile , access to easy money in China has inflated their real estate sector and has created an epic credit and investment boom . He forewarns that the global financial system is moving closer to another major crisis .
17.30 TRADETECH 2024 RECEPTION ! Open to all attendees