“ You ’ ve got to get to see them [ sellside providers ] as a partner and in fact an extension of your desk .”
environment to work in where staff welfare is paramount . We are trying to compete with the likes of the Google , LinkedIn , Facebook for talent and need to update the narrative . Is the solution potentially getting that out there more and working directly with communities and schools / universities ? Do we need to do more internships to promote positive word of mouth ? We must strive to improve the perception of what it ' s actually like to work on a trading desk .
A further pain point is industry coordination around regulatory change . There are working groups striving to make markets more efficient and transparent but there needs to be more public forums where all market participants can contribute to a more pragmatic implementation of these proposed changes .
How can the sell-side provider experience be improved in the multi-asset space ? We have to move away from the traditional low touch / high touch model . It has to be a partnership going forward because everybody seems to provide the latest algo , with the best market access and the best prices . They can ’ t all be doing the same thing . One needs to pick a few houses that suit their particular model . You ’ ve got to get to see them as a partner and in fact an extension of your desk . It ’ s forming a partnership that you trust , synergising your capabilities with theirs . Feeding their data ( for example , short interest , predicted closing auction volumes etc ) into your system for more informed decision making .
Traditionally the broker review was a backward looking , in-person process with limited data available for presentation . The global adoption of a remote working environment brought about by the propagation of Covid transported this traditional in-person review into an online appraisal . This enabled both parties to share enormous amounts of information in a real time environment that would not have been previously available in person . This deep dive analysis of the data has created a new level of transparency , understanding and improvement of the direction the industry would like to push towards – superior executions for the end investor .
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