TradeFlock – The Cloud Computing Jan 2018 | Page 19

PaaS: Platform as a Service PaaS works at a lower level than SaaS, providing a framework for which applications can be developed and customized. It typically aimed at developers provides a platform to deploy your code without both- ering about underlying runtime, operating system, or server infrastructure. The ideal example would be Google App Engine, Windows Azure, Heroku,, Apache Stratos, OpenShift, etc. Working: The working model of PaaS is much similar to the SaaS. PaaS provides the platform for devel- oping or creating applications where SaaS delivers the software over the internet. In PaaS, the platform is delivered over the web and allows developers to build, develop, deploy, or test the app without having to worry about provisioning the servers, storage, and backup associated with developing and launching an app. Developers can choose a programming language that suits their business model – Java, NodeJs, PHP, etc. and write code and deploy it on the PaaS provider. All the back-end stuff from fixing bugs to setting the servers will be done automatically in the background and that’s the promise of PaaS. IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service IaaS is the fundamental building block for the cloud computing model. The ‘Service’ company is com- prised of highly automated computer resources in the form of hardware, networking, and storage which can be self-provisioned, metered, and available on-demand without having to worry about buying and maintaining server infrastructure. With IaaS you can choose your own OS, runtimes and application code. Iaas targeted the vendors, so some famous IaaS vendors are AWS (Amazon Web service), HP- Cloud, CloudSigma etc. Working: IaaS delivers infrastructure services to organizations such as virtual machines and other re- sources like virtual-machine disk image library, storage, networking services (e.g. firewalls), load bal- ancers, IP addresses, etc. These cloud services are provided to the user through a dashboard and IaaS users have complete control over the infrastructure as well as user can access their servers and storage directly, all outsourced through a “virtual data center” in the cloud. As compared to SaaS, IaaS vs PaaS clients is responsible for managing aspects such as runtime, middle- ware, OS, application, and data. However, IaaS providers offer more services above the virtualization layer such as message queues and database. What user gain with IaaS is the deve