Trade Flock - How to Import Solar Panels From China? TradeFlock - Import Cosmetics from China | Page 12

Process to Import Cosmetics from China 12 This post gives a basic knowledge on how to import Perfumery, Cosmetic items, toilet preparations, and oils. This information enlightens the importers about a general idea to import Perfumery, Cosmetic items, toilet preparations, and oils goods from China appli- cable to almost all countries worldwide. Some of the items under this category of beau- ty products are prohibited or restricted in some countries. If you are importing any commodity, you need to obtain accurate information from concerned government departments of that importing country, as the details given in this post will provide only a common idea about the import of Perfumery, Cosmetic items, toilet preparations, and oils. Different countries may have their own different requirements to import Perfumery, Cosmetic items, toilet preparations, and oils although most of the procedures and formalities are same in all countries after globalization of trade by General Agreement on Tariff and Trade, GATT. Government Registration as Importer In almost all countries, government registration is required to become an importer in the country who only can act as an importer. Foreign Trade government office of that particular country is responsible to issue such authorization to become an importer. For example in India, IEC number (Import Export Code Number) is obtained from the office of Director General of Foreign Trade office to operate as an importer and exporter in India. This process to become an importer is a onetime process, but renewal required as per the terms and conditions of such foreign trade office of a country. Nowadays, in most of the countries, the information on registration for importer – exporter is linked with customs location and reserve bank, as the process of imports and exports are online digitalized. So the importers of beauty products i.e., Perfumery, Cosmetic items, toilet preparations, and oils are also required to contact concerned government agencies of their importing country to verify whether such onetime registration is necessary or not.