TPDConnect December 2017 | Page 22


TPDConnect is pleased to share with you an exclusive interview with our new Deputy Executive Director , Ms . Tova Hamilton .
Where did you grow up ?
I hail from the sugarcane parish of Trelawny and grew up in the communities of Martha Brae and Hague until I was shipped off to boarding school in Stewart Town to further my personal development .
Paint a Christmas scene from your childhood
It ’ s Christmas Eve and the clock in the living room of my freshly spring cleaned house is just about to strike midnight ; Instead of being in bed like most other 9 year olds , I am up waiting , not only to spy when exactly these yearly gifts would mysteriously make their way under the well decorated pepper string light tree , but to also be front and centre when my mom decides to carefully rub together the Christmas cake ingredients , so the minute she fills the last baking tin , I can partake in the most delectable rum filled batter of a meal that I was told year on year would ‘ bind ’ me . With my adventurous spirit , I delve into the batter . I am doing quite well , actually because I am convinced my mom does not have to even wash this mixing bowl when I am done with it . The bowl is now clean , and slowly clarity returns to my thoughts . Why would my mom caution me every year about this cake batter habit yet refuse to prohibit my indulgence ? Anyway , what was I supposed to be thinking about again ? Wait ..... where am I ? What is happening ? Why are my eyes getting dark ?
If I could Grant you one wish , what would you wish for ? I would wish for a 2 bedroom apartment on “ The World ”, the largest privately owned residential yacht .
Where would we most likely find you on Christmas eve ? Overseas , somewhere
Complete the sentence . “ Man shall not live by bread alone ” But by Escargot cooked in Coriander and Thai Basil butter .
What have you done that you are most proud of ?
While at the Attorney General ’ s Chambers , I was tasked with the responsibility of initiating a claim in Maritime Law , which was the first of its kind in Jamaica . No jurisprudence existed in that field of law locally prior to that case . The matter involved a ship , sailing around Rackham ’ s Cay and destroying the coral reef . I obtained judgment in favor of the Government of Jamaica and damages assessed in the region of US $ 300,000 .
If you could be any animal , what would you be and why ?
If I could be any animal , I would be an eagle . Eagles fly alone at high altitudes and not with other small birds . Eagles fly only with other Eagles . They have the ability to remain focused . They use storm winds to rise to greater heights and the Eagle tests before it trusts .
The last book you read .
I am an avid Audible listener and so I tend to listen to more than one book at a time . My last two books were “ The Prince ” by Niccolo Machiavelli and “ I Cant Make This Up : Life Lessons ” By Neil Strauss , contributor , Kevin Hart .
Which four individuals , living or dead , would you like to eat dinner with the most ?
Fidel Castro , Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin . Adidja Azim “ Vybz Kartel ” Palmer , Niccolo Machiavelli
Who would you swap places with for a day ? Why that person ?
If I had the opportunity to swap places with someone for a day , I would choose the Prime Minister Andrew Michael Holness . I would most like to gain insight into how he manages competing priorities in government ; how he maneuvers the challenges he faces on a daily basis ; and to be influenced by his effective decision making skills .