‘ TPDCo signs MOU with
Travel Foundation
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed
between TPDCo and International Sustainable NGO, the
Travel Foundation during day two of the conference.
The agreement will enable the local tourism industry to
reap even more benefits, primarily in the areas of craft
and attractions. The partnership seeks to also create
avenues for service providers to further develop their
services and products, as they urge visitors to venture
outside their resorts and discover the many gems
Jamaica has.
The partnership is envisioned to build on the recently
aims to introduce visitors to the many sites and
attractions that Montego Bay has to offer, thereby
allowing them to have a well-rounded stay.
Dr. Andrew Spencer believes that the union between
TPDCo and the Travel Foundation will only have positive
impact on Jamaica’s tourism sector, making specific
mention of the warm welcome campaign, he said “The
Warm Welcome campaign is about utilizing our greatest
asset – the passion all Jamaicans have for their place
of home – and sharing this with our guests. And by
encouraging people to explore beyond their hotels,
local businesses and traders are more likely to benefit
from the tourist spend. We intend to roll-out this best practice
approach to visitor engagement in other resorts
across Jamaica, with the Travel Foundation’s support.”
The Travel Foundation has been working within the
local tourism sector. Their other projects include training
for Craft Producers at the Harbour Street Craft Market
in Montego Bay and a walking map of Montego Bay
which provides detailed information about the sites and
places to visit while staying in Jamaica’s tourist capital.
Dr. Spencer and CEO Travel Foundation Sali Fenton(3rd left) pause
for a photo following the signing of the MOU between TPDCO and
the Travel Foundation. Sharing in the moment are witnesses (extreme
left) Eleanor Hussey, Strategic Relations Manager, Travel Foundation
and Ian Dear, Chairman- TPDCo. The initiative forsees improvements
for craft producers and attractions, which will help to further improve
tourism in Montego Bay and inturn, build out Jamaica’s tourism sector.
The signing was conducted on day 2 of the UNWTO Global Confer-
ence for Jobs and Inclusive Growth.
‘ MOU signed to provide
training accreditation for JCTI
The American Hotel and Lodging Educational Institute
(AHLEI), one of the key partners of the Jamaica Centre
of Tourism Innovation (JCTI) signed a Memoradum
of Understanding to enhance the
JCTI training
programme by providing professional acceditation for
the participants who will be dispersed across various
hotels around Jamaica. The signing took place on
the first day of the world class UNWTO conference.
The training has already taken lift with its first
intake of 35 candidates for the pilot, which is
scheduled to end in January 2018, after which
Minister Bartlett and Ed Kastli (3rd left), Vice President of International
Sales, American Hotel and Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI) sign
the MOU between the Ministry of Tourism and AHLEI to bolster training
programmes provided by JCTI. Sharing in the moment are (L-R Dr.
Carey Wallace, Executive Director, Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF)
Ian Dear, Chairman, TPDCo, Dr. Andrew Spencer, Executive Direc-
tor, TPDCo, Godfrey Dyer, Chairman, TEF and (standing) Carol-Rose
Brown, Director, JCTI