TPDConnect December 2017 | Page 2

FROM THE “Breadfruit roasting on an open fire, mongrel dogs nipping at your toes.” - King Yellow Man W elcome to the final edition of TPDConnect for 2017. It has been an exciting and fulfilling year, and all our accomplishments were made possible through teamwork and collaboration of you our valued team members. We share in the joys of Jamaica securing its four millionth visitor, a milestone in our 5 for 5 for 5 goal. For the past two months, we can reflect and take a bow as we responded to the various demands of the sector. We share some highlights in this long awaited edition- from the enjoyable staff funday at konoko Falls, the historic UNWTO conference held at the Montego Bay Convention Centre, the launch of the Tourism Service Excellence Awards 2017 and the Jamaica Centre of Tourism Innovation (JCTI), to the work of the training and projects department and more. We offer special congratulations to our Minister of Tourism Hon. Edmund Bartlett who was named Caribbean Tourism Minister of the Year 2017. His tenacity and ingenuity serve as an inspiration for Team Jamaica Our Calendar of Events is jam packed for the upcoming Yuletide season and inside Delectable Diary, we share with you Rhianna’s Special sorrel and Rosie Marie’s light Christmas cake recipes and then some. We trust you will enjoy reading and that this Christmas you will receive a special blessing for you and your families. Wherever possible, reach out and touch some less fortunate person and don’t forget the reason for the season- Christ the Lord. May his peace be yours this Christmas. Merry Christmas, Marline