Toward a Greener Planet Through IoT JOI_20230426_eBook | Page 25

Green IT : A 360-Degree Scan of Current Research , Projects and Initiatives
While initiatives and associations are important to further stimulate interest and work on Green IT , some labels already exist to identify particularly efficient IT products . Table 3-5 provides a brief overview of some already existing Green IT labels .
Label Short Description Website Energy Star
Certification for high efficiency products . Available for : Audio / Visual , Computers , Data Center Storage , Displays , Imaging Equipment , Servers , Small Network Equipment , Televisions , Uninterruptible Power Supplies .
EPEAT Eco-label for a range of IT products . Available for computers and displays , imaging equipment , mobile phones , networking equipment and servers .
TCO Certified
Green Web Check
Blue Angel : Resources and Energy-Efficient Software Products
Blue Angel : Server and Data Storage Products
Blue Angel : Data Centers
Software Carbon Intensity Specification


Sustainability certification for IT products . Criteria include product and sustainability information , green manufacturing and reduction of hazardous substances .
Labels environmentally friendly websites .
Label for reduced energy and resource consumption in software products .
Label for servers , data storage products and power supplies that are particularly energy efficient , durable and environmentally friendly .
Label for data centers that are operated in a particularly energyefficient and resource-conserving manner .
Specification for the rate of carbon emissions for a software system . Work still in progress .
Table 3-5 : Green IT labels .
https :// www . energystar . gov /
https :// www . epeat . net /
https :// tcocertified . com /
https :// www . thegreenwebfoundation . org / green-web-check /
https :// www . blauerengel . de / en / productworld / resources-andenergy-efficient-software-products
https :// www . blauerengel . de / en / productworld / server-anddata-storage-products
https :// www . blauerengel . de / en / productworld / data-centers
https :// github . com / Green-Software- Foundation / software _ carbon _ intensity
To summarize , the focus of Green IT in the future will be on data centers , software in general , and especially current technology trends such as the Internet of Things or Artificial Intelligence .
20 April 2023