Toward a Greener Planet Through IoT JOI_20230426_eBook | Page 18

Green IT : A 360-Degree Scan of Current Research , Projects and Initiatives
center ’ s IT . The PUE is therefore relatively easy to calculate but should also be treated with caution .
An alternative way of measuring the energy efficiency of data centers is the KPI4DCE ( Key Performance Indicators for Data Center Efficiency ) 5 system developed by the German Federal Environment Agency . The aim of the development was to create a performance indicator system that covers all areas of a data center and considers IT performance . The main tasks of KPI4DCE were the collection and evaluation of existing key figures , indicators and methods , the development of a key figure system in the sense of the objective , the evaluation of the system on the basis of practical use cases , the incorporation of the results into harmonization and standardization activities and the further development of the ecolabel Blue Angel for data centers with the help of the key figures .


According to the word cloud from Figure 3-2 , the most important topics are cloud and edge computing . From a technical perspective , blockchain and machine learning are also relevant .
The main goal of the Green Internet of Things is to reduce emissions , toxic components and the general energy consumption of IoT devices . The reduction of emissions generated by other systems through the use of IoT applications is called Green by IoT and will be discussed later in this article . Green IoT is primarily about the " greening " of the Internet of Things itself and the associated devices . Important characteristics include 6 :
• Energy-efficient hardware and software design techniques to reduce energy consumption in IoT-based applications .
• Application of enhanced encryption and decryption techniques .
• Reframing to avoid data redundancy .
• Environmentally friendly manufacturing of IoT devices .
• Powering the IoT network through renewable energy sources .
Specific technologies that can help implement these characteristics are 7 :
B . Schödwell , R . Zarnekow , R . Liu , J . Gröger , M . Wilkens , “ Kennzahlen und Indikatoren für die Beurteilung der Ressourceneffizienz von Rechenzentren und Prüfung der praktischen Anwendbarkeit ”, 2018 . Kennzahlen und Indikatoren für die Beurteilung der Ressourceneffizienz von Rechenzentren und Prüfung der praktischen Anwendbarkeit | Umweltbundesamtr
M . A . Albreem , A . M . Sheikh , M . H . Alsharif , M . Jusoh and M . N . Mohd Yasin , " Green Internet of Things ( GIoT ): Applications , Practices , Awareness , and Challenges ," in IEEE Access , vol . 9 , pp . 38833-38858 , 2021 . doi : 10.1109 / ACCESS . 2021.3061697 .
M . A . Albreem , A . M . Sheikh , M . H . Alsharif , M . Jusoh and M . N . Mohd Yasin , " Green Internet of Things ( GIoT ): Applications , Practices , Awareness , and Challenges ," in IEEE Access , vol . 9 , pp . 38833-38858 , 2021 . doi : 10.1109 / ACCESS . 2021.3061697 .
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